Try this simple morning ritual to supercharge your metabolism:
Drink warm lemon water right when you wake up.
When you wake up and don’t know what to do first, taking up the habit of having a cup of warm lemon water will serve you well. It cleanses the digestive system and gets your metabolism on point so that you’re firing on all cylinders.
The water should be warm so that it’s not a shock to your system, but you can switch to cold water for the remainder of your water intake, as this has been shown to raise your resting metabolic rate.
You can also add in a bit of organic, raw honey to sweeten up the sour lemon and introduce digestive enzymes and antioxidants to the equation.
Making It Work: Each time you’re at the store make sure you pick up a bag of organic lemons. Having them on hand is key if you want to stick with this long enough to make a habit out of it. Lemons keep very well in the refrigerator, so they won’t go bad before you can use them up.
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